Thanks for visiting our website.
We are an Independent, Fundamental, King James Bible Believing Church.
We enjoy singing the old time hymns of the faith, taking time to fellowship one with another, and hearing the Word of God preached without compromise.
We would be delighted to have you out as our guest at any of the services times listed below. Come join a family of believers that have a heart for God and people. Pastor Jeff Knight
Crossroads Baptist Church

Our Pastor
Our Pastor
Brother Jeff grew up traveling the world as a military dependent. After High School he enlisted in the military and served on active duty for 12 yrs. The Lord saved Jeff in 2010, after which he began attending Barnsboro Baptist Church. It was there that he was baptized, discipled and given the privilege of serving as a Greeter, Trustee, Bible Study & Youth Leader, SS Teacher and Deacon. During this time Jeff was able to complete his B.A. degree in Pastoral Studies. After he finished his military enlistment, he began seminary training, completing his M.A. degree in Theology. Jeff was called to serve as the Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in August of 2013 and has continued there unto this day. In recent years, he has furthered his graduate level education at Crown College of the Bible.